BPF Women’s Network: The Art of Communication and Marketing Yourself

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British Pakistan Foundation Women’s Network

LONDON: February 25, 2015: The British Pakistan Foundation Women’s Network (BPF WN) launched its Professional Development series with a workshop on The Art of Communication and Marketing Yourselfwith Carol Rosati from Harvey Nash.

The widely anticipated workshop brought together professional ladies from across industry sectors and levels of seniority. Rosati shared her experiences of working within the recruitment industry for the past 20 years and described the launch of Inspire, a network focusing on the professional development of women, as one of her greatest achievements.

Rosati said that her experiences had allowed her to observe the fundamental differences in behavior and communication styles between men and women. Men are more likely to be bold, whereas women tend to be self-effacing. “Women often have humility gene,” Rosati explained. They are less likely, indeed almost embarrassed, to speak candidly about their accomplishments and skills and often frequently apologise. These patterns can be further exacerbated by cultural factors, which sometimes suggest that women should be quieter, less boastful, and subservient.

Using interactive exercises and questionnaires, Rosati urged participants to be mindful of their behaviors and thought patterns and to shed any self-limiting beliefs. She guided the group to explore their achievements and skills, and to market themselves more positively and strongly.


Carol Rosati is the founder of the global board network Inspire, which connects over 4000 senior businesswomen worldwide. Carol also sits on the advisory council for Fiona Woolf, the previous Lord Mayor of the City of London, and is an active participant in the formulation of legislation in the UK and Europe around improving the number of women in senior management and on Boards in the UK.

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