Queens Birthday List Honourees Share their Thoughts
BPF spoke with the honourees of Pakistani origin and this is what they have to say.
“I cannot begin to express how honoured I am to have been included by the Queen in her New Years Honours List. It gives me great pleasure to be recognised for my contributions in this manner. These honours represent everything that makes Britain great reinforcing how it doesn’t matter where you have come from, what matters is your work ethic and the impact you can make. It shows what matters is that you contribute and you help to make Britain even better, something many immigrants do on a daily basis across the nation.” Zameer Choudhrey, CBE
“It was a massive shock to receive the honour. I thought it was a prank. For somebody like me who does day-to-day work with young people you don’t really think someone is going to nominate you for an award.“ Fayyaz Ahmed, MBE
“Given everything that’s happened recently in Rotherham… this [honour] shows the work that we are doing is unique and individuals like myself have had the privilege of sort of learning and developing that work, and bringing that voice out,” she said.
“That is something we need to fight and make sure we preserve in Rotherham.” Zlakha Ahmed, MBE
“It’s a great honour to be recognized and I feel very proud of this moment. Not many Pakistani women have received this so I feel very special. I know this for a fact that I am the first from amongst the Memon community in the Midlands to receive an MBE.” Yasmin Nathani, MBE
“It is very hard to describe what I felt when I first received it in the mail. I was surprised, but also ecstatic. I was wowed by it. It’s hard to put it in words what I felt. I had to tell my parents because I owe my accomplishments and success to them, but else I kept it a secret until it was announced.” Aftab Ahmed Chughai, MBE
“I’m sincerely thankful and humbled to be recognised with such an honour. I’m overwhelmed and hope to continue doing the work that I love for many years to come.” Asad Razzaq MBE
“I want to pay homage to all the volunteers who work with Ballsall Heath Forum throughout the year, and go in the neighbourhood, and actually make a difference. It’s all these people who look after their neighbours. About 30 volunteers go from door to door to distribute gift hampers during Ramadan and Christmas with me, and I will also like to dedicate this award to them. I also want to pay homage to my parents who are no longer in this world. My father was a community activist, and raised funds to build the Willow’s Crescent Mosque, and I think I get it from him. And also I will like to pay homage to all those people who moved to Birmingham in 1950s and to their struggles and sacrifices that enable us, especially Pakistanis, to get where we have today.” Abdullah Rehman MBE
“My reaction when I first opened the letter was ‘wow is this really for me?’
“It just shows that when your work is sincere and you are dedicated in whatever you take up then you do get recognised.” Sajid Rashid, Medallist
Medalists Order of the British Empire
“My reaction when I first opened the letter was ‘wow is this really for me?’
“It just shows that when your work is sincere and you are dedicated in whatever you take up then you do get recognised.” Sajid Rashid, Medallist
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The British Pakistan Foundation (BPF) would like to extend